I would love to tell the story of a small group of activist who were jump started by the word that a cyanide leach goldmine was going to be installed above their land on Buckhorn Mtn. the affects of the mine would be devastating and would contaminate the land for miles around. making water undrinkable and eventually flowing into the sea. the small group amidst struggle and strife managed to take their fight to the supreme court and win. oh yeah and they recorded an album! "The Environmental Impact Statement" was a collection of songs designed to educate and bring awareness to people on the harms of cyanide leach goldmining.
The battle is still raging on and we must act now to let the public know whats going on!
Anything you can do to help whether it be passing it on or adding a dollar dropping $25 and knowing you'l have a dvd in the mail when its done!
Please help me in my attempt to raise funding for this documentary.
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